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LLI Policies and Procedures

November 2023 

NB We are just in the process of updating and ratifying our range of policies and procedures to make sure they are up to date - these policies are the updated drafts, which are revised annually or bi-annually - awaiting ratification by the LLI Directors at the next Board Meeting on : 26 11 2023

Volunteer Agreement 

Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy 

Concerns or Complaints  Whistleblowing policy or a process in place to enable people to raise concerns safely and confidentially. 

Health and Safety Policy  Risk Management Policy (inc Risk Register/Risk Assessment process) or has a process of recognising risk and takes steps to reduce and/or manage these

Confict of Interest Declaration of Interest Policy and Register or has a process to enable people to declare a conflict of interest where appropriate

Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy DPP

DRAFT   Financial Management and Controls Policy


Child Protection Policy

Modern Slavery Statement 

Information Security Policy in line with GDPR

Gifts and Hospitality Policy and Register to record gifts and hospitality where relevant

Fraud and Bribery policy to identify potential for fraud and bribery and takes steps to avoid these

Welsh Language Policy 

Sustainability and / or Environmental Policy 

Digital inclusion Policy 


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